Gladly Give, Joyfully Receive
Artist: Gordon Bonnet
The work of a man's hands tells us so much about him. It speaks of his creativity, his energy, his endless curiosity about how the universe works: the chemistry, the physics, the MAGICK! Respect for experience and traditions, ancient and ever-new. Taking what our goddess and mother, Earth, gift to us and transforming it through a sort of holy ritual connecting all of these elements. The work speaks of his deliberation, practicality, patience and persistence. His vulnerability. And, of course, when he makes a gift of his creation, his love is apparent.
Would it matter to you if the artist were a woman, Black or White, Muslim or Druze, Laotian or Guatemalan, Communist or Republican, Lesbian, Trans? What matter the source if the gift symbolizes love, peace-offering, brother/sisterhood, empathy, understanding, unity? If it demonstrates respect, settles differences, offers an apology, opens a door?
Receive what is given, object or opportunity, with gratitude.
Our many religions offer us glimpses of paradise, a promised realm of wonder, joy and prosperity that lies ever beyond this life and, we are told, citizenship there must be earned. Many believe there is no "beyond" to strive toward and that what we experience now is what we're allotted, happily or not. What we humans cannot seem to grasp is that paradise lies only one step ahead of us in time and space. All we need to do is step into it by laying down our fear, hate and selfish instincts. It does not require leaving this live, nor this world. In fact, this rarest of gems among all that drift through the cosmos, offers a constantly evolving, eternally fascinating playground for those who cherish life and beauty. It seems so difficult to take those steps toward joy and vitality and some, inexplicably, seem quite satisfied with the world as it is, rife with conflict and decaying under the onslaught of industry and waste. But the rewards for transformative thought and action are attainable and beyond profound.
Look around you at the endless wonder of Creation and the endless beauty of human form and endeavor. Consider that every life, every personality was shaped by a compelling story that you have not heard. Whatever the conflict, it could make all the difference in the world if you allow it to be told. Open wide your arms and your hearts. Give and receive with the expectation of what the sharing, the connection will empower in our world. Most importantly, give the gift of your desire to listen, learn and understand.
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