Out of the Shadows

La Meridiana, Villa Borghese, Rome - Courtesy of Ágatha Depiné Greetings! Yesterday, October 11, was National Coming Out Day. It's an opportunity for those who identify privately as members of the LGBTQ+ spectrum to consider broadening the circle of awareness of their sexuality from one (themselves) or a few confidants, to as many family members and acquaintances as they feel compelled to notify. Those who are consistently in the public view, or who wish to take an activist stance, may even choose to make their revelation widely public. It is a moment of supreme importance for those who make the leap of faith, and a great leap it is. The questions are often asked "What's the big deal?" and "Why make such a fuss and get in everybody's face about this?". Well, what could be more vital than one's identity and one's truth? Every human being needs to belong somewhere, to some tribe, to a history, a faith/phil...